Jugendstil, Art Nouveau en Modernismo are just three of the many names of the art form that manifested itself at the end of the 19th
and the beginning of the 20th century. It had its origin in England as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution and its mass production
of artistic objects and articles of use. This was the beginning of the Arts and Crafts movement that produced these articles in an
artisan way, with motifs derived from natural forms. Besides that, these artists were bored of the repeating of former styles in a
neo-form and the compilation of it in, the so called, eclecticism
Traditionally the Art Nouveau period is located between the last ten years of XIX century and WWI. It is thus evident how the roots
of the modernist movement should be identified in the artistic and cultural experiences of the century. If we try to simplify the
matter we can spot two origins, one cultural, the other aesthetic, distinct but very much tied one to the other.
"The terrifying and edible beauty of Art Nouveau architecture."
- Salvador Dali, quoted in Saranne Alexandrian's Surrealist Art, ch. 10., 1969.
Art Nouveau is the French/Belgian name of an art movement in reaction to the academical schools at the end of the XIXth century
(1894-1914). This movement was represented in Europe and also in the United States. It often had several names in each country.
Some were named after major artists, magazines or firms (e.g. in France, "Style Guimard," in Germany, "Jugendstil," and in Italy,
"Stile Liberty" see etymologies). Other, more general referred to something new ("Art Nouveau" in France, Modernism in Spain,
"Nieuwe Kunst" in the Netherlands or "Sezessionstil" in Austria). In each country, "Art Nouveau" had its own identity, and sometimes
artists at that time were opposed to each other. However, beyond these "oppositions" between countries or even artists, we can find,
retrospectively, numerous common points in each movement. By "Art Nouveau", I mean all the avant-garde movements during the period
1894-1914 in reaction to the academic and historical point of view.
For me, the years between 1871 and 1914 represent one of the most fascinating periods in the European history. As far as we know,
there was nearly no other period during which so many artists and scientists were contemporaries. Arts and sciences developed with an
incomparable speed and intensity. I will set up priorities on the years from about 1890 onwards which not only the French call the
Belle Epoque - in the referring part I will talk about the problem to date this period exactly.
Art Nouveau. The uninitiated may ponder these two words, each rather commonplace taken separately, but somehow disconcerting when
joined together. The label defines a vast, international and artistically avant-gardist movement which, at the turn of the 20th
century (1890-1914), emerged in all of Europe's big cities as a reaction against the academic schools. Followers of the movement all
subscribed to its underlying principle, namely that the essence of aesthetics should be sought in nature rather than ancient
Classicist renditions.
Pour en savoir plus sur les artistes, les événements marquants, les ouvrages importants et les objectifs de ce mouvement exceptionnel
qui a fait de Nancy à la fin du XIXe siècle l'une des capitales de l'Art Nouveau.
The Gresham Palace site originally housed a neo-classic palace, the Nako House, which was built in 1827 by Antal Deron, a wholesale
merchant, and was based on the design of Joseph Hild. In 1880 the Nako House became the possession of the Gresham Life Assurance
Company, a British company founded in 1847. The company decided to build its foreign headquarters on this site and the Nako House
was demolished in 1903. The present building was started in 1904 and completed in 1906, and was based on the designs of Zsigmond
Before to introduce the Catalan Art Nouveau (named in Catalan "Modernisme"), it is interesting to know the European context where
that movement was developed. The Art Nouveau is an artistic movement developed from the end of XIX century to the first quarter of
XX century. The first references of Art Nouveau are in England with the works of John Ruskin (1819-1900), influenced by gothic art,
he published an enormous quantity of books on literature, painting, architecture, sculpture, aesthetics, and a lot of other social
themes. His extraordinary taste for any type of art allowed him to value both the primitive Italian painters the English
pre-Raphaelites or Turner. He was an art propagandist. His ideas had been influenced the Arts and Crafts movement who highlight the
return to the nature, beautiful designs, graceful shapes, undulations, with a fascinating charm, in which are represented vegetables,
flowers, insects, fishes, dragons and coloured birds. The Art Nouveau gets its expression in different art shapes, like stone front
walls, ceramics, and forged iron, interiors with curved walls, frequently with an exuberant ornamentation.
The PRAHA experience documents photo's I took up to the late 1990'ies of Prague. It is no longer active. It is not the goal of this
site to present exhaustive data on Prague. Rather, it aims to convey the architectural impression of the city. Data on architects
has been retrieved from "Od Moderny k Funkcionalismu" by Rotislav Svacha and Jan Maly (Victoria Publishing Praha, 1995) which deals
with Modernist and Functionalist architecture.
Das Wort kam aus Wien - aber in Budapest glüht das Gold der Jugenstilbauten noch prachtvoller als in der Haupt- und Residenzstadt.
Wie so oft wurde im reichen Wien wesentlich mehr achtlos vernichtet als in den anderen Hauptstädten der Donaumonarchie. Vieles wurde
in Budapest liebevoll erhalten und restauriert, einiges dämmerte aber aus Geldmangel jahrzehntelang dem Verfall entgegen.
De vernieuwingen die zich omstreeks 1900 in de Nederlandse kunstnijverheid en architectuur voordeden, vatten we tegenwoordig samen
onder de term Nieuwe Kunst. De Nieuwe Kunst is een van de vele varianten van de internationale Art Nouveau, een stijlbeweging die
definitief afrekende met de negentiende eeuw waarin het navolgen van historische stijlen hoogtij vierde.
Art nouveau pictures in various place not specially known for Art nouveau buildings. Art nouveau is also
known as Arts and Crafts - Bandwurmstil (tape worm style) - Darmstadt Style - École de Nancy - Eel Style
- Estilo Modernista - gereizter Regenwurm (popping up earthworm) - Glasgow Style - Jugendstil (Germany)
- Jugenstil (young style) - Liberty Style - Lilienstil (Lily style) Lo Stile Liberty (Italy) - Modern
Style (United Kingdom) - Moderne Strumpfbanlinien (modern suspender line) - Modernisme (Spain) -
Modernismo - Neustil - Neu Stil (new style) - Neudeutsche Kunst (new German art) - Nieuwe Kunst (The
Netherlands) - Nieuwe Stijl - Noodle Style - Nudelstil - Paling stijl (eel style - Brussels' slang) -
Peitschenstil - Schnörkelstil (scroll style) - Secesija - Sezession - Sezessionsstil - Sezessionstil
(secession style - Austria) - Stile floreale (floral style) - Stile Inglese (English style) - Style
1900 - style anguille - style coup de fouet - style Guimard - Style M?o - style nouille - style sapin
(Switzerland) - Wellenstil - Whiplash Style - Yachting Style ...